Posts tagged cleaning
Getting Ready to Sell Your House? Here are 11 Things Most People Forget to Do

You’ve started on your lists of small repairs, you’ve contacted a real estate agent, and now you’re in the final steps of getting ready to sell your house. But before you put your home up for sale, and certainly before having your first open house, here are 11 things to consider that most home sellers forget to think about and could cost you a sale.

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Ignorance is Not all Bliss!

All house cleaning services are not created equal. There are thousands of people who consider themselves a housekeeper, housecleaner, or even a maid that can offer very low pricing for their services. I have no doubt many…

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3 Reasons to Hire a Certified Cleaning Service

Keeping your home picked up and clean seems like a never-ending process. Once you get everything like you like it-along comes a kid, dog, or possibly the husband's work boots to mess it all up again. No one has…

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Behind the Scenes: The Creation of Precision Clean

Ever wonder how a company got started? Or maybe who came up with the idea and how a small business beat the odds of failing within the first year? Well here are your answers on how Precision Clean...

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